
"Woods are lovely dark and deep..."


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Peak Experiences

Blanketed by an azure sky, orange-yellow rays of the setting sun can, at special times, gift us with a moment of such considerable beauty, we find ourselves momentarily stunned, with  frozen gaze. The splendor of the moment so dazzles us, our compulsively chattering minds give pause, so as not to mentally whisk us away to a place other than the here-end-now. Bathed in luminescence, a door seems to open to another reality, always present, yet rarely witnessed.

Abraham Maslow called these "peak experiences," since they represent the high moments of life where we joyfully find ourselves catapulted beyond the confines of the mundane and ordinary. Might just as well have called them "peak" experiences. During these expansive occasions, we sneak glimpse of eternal realm of Being itself. If only foe a brief moment in time, we come home to our True Self.

"Ah," one might sigh, "so grand... if only I could stay here. But how do I take up permanent residence?"

Foreword to the Eckhart Tolle's "The Power of Now. A Guide To Spiritual Enlightenment" by Russ DiCarlo
Author, Towards A New World View: Conversations at the Leading Edge,
Erie, Pennsylvania USA
January, 1998